Sharpening my axe
The Swedish winter has been long and dreary and we’re finally arriving at the start of spring, though this morning started out at 0℃. I’ve spent much of the dark season trying to develop my taste by picking up new photo books and I’ve finally fallen deeply in love with the late Peter Lindbergh’s work. I’ve also worked a few photography-related script plugins for Photoshop further, to be able to add film-like halation to images and automate much of the later parts of my workflow. I have this dream of having a small digital mini lab, where I could drop a folder of raws and automatically get a folder of decently developed jpegs, complete with grain. Maybe one of the many AI editing services would be the last piece of the puzzle for me, but I haven’t really found time to really dive into those. That may be something for next winter.
Shot with my old Fujifilm X-T2 and an even older adapted Zuiko OM 50mm/1.4 lens.